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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

The Decision to Treat Curriculum Overview

C1. Engaging the patient, Motivational Interviewing (MI)

C2. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing

C2.1. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Risk benefit assessment 

C2.2. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Boundary maintenance

C2.3. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: De-escalation communication skills 

C2.4. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Monitoring strategies

C2.5. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Stopping prescribing if indicated

C2.6. Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Tapering and withdrawal management 

C3. Opioid overdose and withdrawal

C3.1. Emergency department interventions

C3.2. Initiation of MAT

C3.3. Standardized patient cases-case study