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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

C2. Session Overview - Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing

Session description: Controlled drugs are high risk drugs, and when given to patients with substance use disorder it can be very dangerous. Careful screening for contraindications must be done prior to the long term prescribing of these medications.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture and discussion, large or small group

Learning Objectives

  1. Differentiate between regular RX medications and controlled drugs (CRX)  
  2. Name the pharmacologic nexus between different controlled drugs  
  3. Describe why CRX are dangerous to patients with SUD 
  4. Outline current problematic prescribing patterns and solutions  

Author: Ted Parran​

School: Case Western Reserve University

Curriculum Template - Prudent Prescribing Overview_Parran 8-25-2019

Presentation - Prudent Prescribing of Controlled Drugs Overview

Resource List

  • Chapter 6 Pain Management Considerations, Parran T. In “The Pharmacist's Guide to Opioid Use Disorders” Merrill Norton eds 2018  

  • “Revising the Treatment Plan and/or Ending Opioid Treatment”,  
    The American Society of Addiction Medicine Handbook on Pain and Addiction, Oxford, 2018.  

  • ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine chapter, “Clinical and Legal Considerations when Prescribing Controlled Drugs.” 

  • Medical Clinics of N. America, Prescription Drug Abuse: a question of balance. 1997 81(4), 967-978  

  • American Family Physician 2000. 61(8); 2121-2128 “Addiction: Part II. Identification and Management of the Drug Seeking Patient”