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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

B8.1. Session Overview - Social Determinants of Health

Using an engaged learning format, learners will apply their knowledge of the social determinants of health to problem-solving clinical cases involving opioids.

Instructional Strategy: Team-Based Learning (TBL), 3 hours

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify and describe the individual and population-level biopsychosocial determinants of health and how these determinants influence population health status
  2. Identify contextual factors that affect the health status of an individual patient or population
  3. Examine population-level health disparities that may impact access to healthcare, care of patients, and patient outcomes

Authors: Brenda Roman, MD, Mary White, PhD, & Giselle Ellis, PharmD

School: Wright State University

Curriculum Template - Social Determinants of Health