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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

How to Access Curriculum Resources

Users with a NEOMED Library login can use the following searchbox to access the Library's full-text articles & e-books:

Users with a CWRU vpn can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings:

Users with a University of Toledo login can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings:

Users with a Ohio University login can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings:

Users with a Ohio State University login can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings:



Users with a Wright State University login can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings: 

Users with a University of Cincinnati login can use the following resources to access their university's full-text holdings: