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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

A6.1 Session Overview - A plan for the measurement of pain: General principles

The purpose of this session is to introduce the basic principles of pain management and its assessment. Topics will include an introduction to pain (including important definitions), assessment methods, domains to measure, individualization of analgesic therapy, the WHO pain ladder and its strengths and limitations, and how and why multimodal analgesic therapy is used.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture/Discussion, Seminar/Workshop, 1.5-3 hours

Learning Objectives

  1. Examine dimensions of pain and symptom assessment in addition to intensity 
  2. Differentiate between opioid types 

Author: Scott Strassels, MD

School: Ohio State University

Curriculum Template - General principles for the management of pain_Strassels 8-19-2019