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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

B6. Session Overview - Relapse Prevention

Students will take part in an interactive overview on relapse prevention planning.  Participants will learn, apply and test their knowledge via interactive discussions.  The goal of this course is to help participants develop their knowledge about components of relapse prevention planning to aid the process of supporting patients’ recovery, including those with opioid use disorders.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture/Discussion, 30 minutes

Learning Objectives

  1. Examine the facets of the cognitive behavioral relapse prevention model 
  2. Identify the components of developing a patient-centered relapse prevention plan 
  3. Reflect on how the components of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) fit into the Relapse Prevention Model 

Author: Russell Spieth, PhD

School: Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)

Curriculum Template - Relapse Prevention

Presentation - Relapse Prevention OhioMHAS