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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

C3.2. Session Overview - Initiation of MAT

The student will demonstrate understanding of why medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) is an important alternative for some patients, compare types of MAT, and best practices for prescribing MAT.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture/Discussion, Brief Case Narrative, 1 hour

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify different forms of MAT treatment and why it may be preferred for some patients

  2. Demonstrate use of MAT for new and existing patients

  3. Address common concerns about treating addiction in the office

Editor: Stacey Gardner-Buckshaw, PhD, MPA (adapted from CME presentations given by Laura Novak, MD and Lisa Schroeder, MD)

School: Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)

Curriculum Template - Initiation of MAT_Gardner-Buckshaw 8-2019

Presentation - Initiation of MAT