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All-Ohio Medical School Opioid Use Disorder Collaborative Curriculum

Funded by Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services

C2.5. Session Overview - Prudent principles of controlled drug prescribing: Stopping prescribing if indicated

This session involves reviewing the various levels of urgency when it comes to stopping the prescribing of controlled drugs. The concepts of yellow flags and red flags will be presented.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture/Discussion, 45 minutes

Learning Objectives

  1. Compare the relative priority of competing ethical principles in pain management, specifically first do no harm and comfort always, and patient autonomy and beneficence.  
  2. List various indicators of patient problems from controlled drugs, and prioritize them based on seriousness.  
  3. Compare and contrast more serious and less serious problems / aberrant behaviors / yellow and red flags and link these to decisions regarding the urgency to stop controlled drug access. ​ 

Author: Theodore Parran, MD

School: Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)

Curriculum Template - Stopping Prescribing_Parran 6-19-2019

Presentation - Stopping Prescribing & Managing Withdrawal_Parran 8-19