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HS: Health Misinformation Assignment 5/13/2025


  • Optional Assignment Help Session
    • TBD

Important Assignment Dates

  • 5/13/2025 - Assignment discussed in Population Health class
  • 5/13/2025 at 5 pm - Assignment due date. Upload the assignment into the HS CANVAS assignment tool.

Social Sciences

  • Communication and interpersonal skills, including health literacy and numeracy, cultural competence
    • Patient interviewing, consultation, and interactions with the family (patient- centered communication skills)
      • making decisions (eg, eliciting patient's perspectives)
      • enabling patient behaviors (eg, education and counseling)

Systems-based practice (including health systems, public health, community, schools) and patient safety (including basic concepts and terminology)

  • Patient safety
    • Patient safety principles
      • Causes of error
        • health literacy

Recorded Lecture

TOPIC: Discussing the Evidence with Your Patients / Patient Education Materials / Misinformation

FACULTY: Heather McEwen, MLIS, MS, M4 student, 

Topic 1: How will you use your EBM knowledge and skills in your clinical years -  a M4 student perspective.

Topic 2: Discussing the Evidence with Your Patients / Patient Education Materials / Misinformation


By the end of this recorded lecture and workshop, students will be able to:

  • List and discuss methods that physicians can use to explain the evidence from research when providing patient care.
  • Explain shared decision making and Ask-Tell-Ask and why they are important for patient care.
  • List respected patient education websites and resources, including websites with information written in languages other than English and easy-to-read material.
  • Distinguish between misinformation and disinformation
  • Explain methods to discuss misinformation with patients and how to teach them to evaluate information on the Web.
  • Practice using and evaluating artificial intelligence as a tool to answer patient questions.


Patient Education Resources

Health Misinformation Assignment

Where to find the Assignment: Assignment can be found in the Health Systems assignment tool in CANVAS. 

HS Health Misinformation Assignment

Due Date: May 13, 2025 at 5 pm. Upload completed assignment to the CANVAS HS assignment tool under the self-directed learning assignment.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this assignment, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish between misinformation and disinformation.
  • Determine relevant professional medical resources to research the health claim.
  • Analyze the evidence to determine if a health claim is accurate, misinformation, or the evidence is conflicting.
  • Search for relevant patient education resources on the topic of the health claim that could be provided to patients.

Other Instructions:

This is an individual assignment.  Upload your assignment to the assignment tool when completed. You must receive 8.5 (70%) or greater of 12 points to pass the assignment. You may turn in your assignment at any time prior to the assignment due date.