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HS: Introduction to Clinical Guidelines and EBM Assignments 5/20/2025


U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Introduction/CDC Immunization Schedule

Health Systems


TOPIC 1: Introduction to the United States Preventative Services Task Force Recommendations

FACULTY: Heather McEwen, MLIS, MS

Before Class Lecture on Clinical Guidelines: - Dr. Terry Shaneyfelt


After watching the Overview of Clinical Guidelines video and attending class, students will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of guidelines and the criteria that determine high-quality guidelines.
  • Discuss the limitations of guidelines.
  • Explain where clinical guidelines are found on the EBM pyramid.
  • Distinguish between evidence-based or consensus-based clinical guidelines.
  • Explain where clinical guidelines are found on the EBM pyramid. 
  • Distinguish between evidence-based or consensus-based clinical guidelines
  • Discuss the CDC vaccine schedules for adults and children.
  • Practice using the USPSTF recommendations and CDC vaccine schedules to choose appropriate preventative care and screening tests for patients in clinical cases discussed in class.
  • Search for a relevant clinical guidelines and evaluate it using a validity checklist.


Supplementary Resources:

Today's Activity

Question 15

Citing Guidelines

Evaluating Meta-Analyses

USMLE/EPA Relevant Topics

Human Development

  • Normal age-related findings and care of the well patient
    • Infancy and childhood (0–12 years)
      • Lifestyle and routine preventive health care:
        • preventive/travel medicine
        • routine vaccinations
    • Adolescence (13–17 years)
      • Lifestyle and routine preventive health care:
        • preventive/travel medicine
        • routine vaccinations
    • Adulthood (18–64 years)
      • Lifestyle and routine preventive health care:
        • preventive/travel medicine
        • routine vaccinations
    • Older Adulthood (65 years and older)
      • Lifestyle and routine preventive health care:
        • preventive/travel medicine
        • routine vaccinations

Systems-based practice (including health systems, public health, community, schools) and patient safety (including basic concepts and terminology)

  • Quality improvement
    • Improvement science principles
      • Variation and standardization: guidelines

AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency