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PPC IV & V Practice Based Learning and Improvement Presentation Guide: Important Dates

PPC IV Important Dates

  • Assignment Help Sessions 
    • TBD
    • TBD

  • October 18, 2024 - Articles/Guidelines must be uploaded to the PPC IV assignment tool in CANVAS by 11:55 pm
  • October 22, 2024- Presentations via Zoom
    • See information on CANVAS
    • You will be scheduled to one of two sessions: 
      • 8-10 am
      • 3-5 pm
  • October 22, 2024 - Upload your slides to the PPC IV assignment tool in CANVAS by 11:55 pm

PPC V Important Dates

  • Assignment Help Sessions - See Canvas

  • No synchronous Zoom session: You will be turning in narrated PowerPoint slides. 
  • Upload your completed slides and article/guideline to the PPC V assignment tool in CANVAS anytime between the first day of PPC V to the due date March 25th at 11:55 pm. Date has been changed since some students have their PACE visit during spring break.