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PPC V Small Group PBLI Presentations (formerly Journal Club Presentations) 2/20/2024

Rubric for the assignment

USMLE/EPA Relevant Topics

Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, & Interpretation of the Medical Literature

  • Study design, types and selection of studies (includes dependent/independent variables)
    • Various study designs
    • Obtaining and describing samples, matching, inclusion/exclusion criteria, selecting appropriate controls for studies, lack of controls, concealed allocation, randomization, stratification
    •  Methods to handle noncompliance
      • loss to follow-up; intention-to-treat analysis
  • Measures of association
    • Other measures of association
      • number needed to treat/harm
  • Study interpretation, drawing conclusions from data
    • Internal vs external validity
      • generalizability (external validity); efficacy vs effectiveness
    • Statistical vs clinical significance; clinical and surrogate outcome/end point
  • Clinical decision making, interpretation and use of evidence-based data and recommendations


Social Sciences

  • Communication and interpersonal skills, including health literacy and numeracy, cultural competence
    • Patient interviewing, consultation, and interactions with the family (patient- centered communication skills)
      • making decisions (eg, eliciting patient's perspectives)
      • enabling patient behaviors (eg, education and counseling)


AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency

Journal Club Presentations



TOPIC: Small Group PBLI Presentations (formerly Journal Club Presentations)

FACULTY: Heather McEwen, MLIS, MS, Dr. Kris Baughman, Ph.D., and small group faculty


At the end of this session, students will be able to: 

  • Use PPICO to create a clinical question about their patient from the standardized patient encounter.
  • Perform an effective literature search to find a research article/clinical guideline that is relevant to their patient's care
  • Evaluate a research article/clinical guideline for it's research design, methods, statistical results, and conclusions.
  • Evaluate a research article/clinical guideline for it's relevance, validity, and level of evidence
  • Calculate the NNT or discuss why it is not appropriate to calculate it.
  • Discuss whether the article/guideline has outcomes/endpoints that are POEMs (clinical outcomes), DOEs (surrogate outcomes), or both.
  • Apply a research article/clinical guideline to patient care and communicate your answer to the clinical question to a colleague/clinical faculty member
  • Apply a research article/clinical guideline to your patient's care and discuss how you counsel your patient.
  • Practice giving an oral presentation with professional looking slides
  • Demonstrate teamwork and professionalism when completing this assignment
This presentation is a like your PPC IV  introduction to PBLI presentation but there is a greater emphasis on the evaluation of the journal article.

Your patient will be a standardized patient that you will see in the Wasson Center. Your fellow small group members have all seen the same patient. Your group will use PPICO to create a clinical question about the patient. The question can be about the patient's immediate concern or a long-term medical issue. You will work as a team to divide up the presentation parts as you like, but everyone must participate in the oral presentation.

Turn in your slides and article/guideline via the CANVAS assignment tool by February 14th at 11:55 pm.. Your group will present to your small group leader via Zoom on February 18, 2025 at 8-10 am. Turn in your slides by February 18th at 11:55 pm. 

There will be a peer evaluation as part of the assignment. You will evaluate your fellow small group members.