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FOM Tertiary Resources Assignment Guide: Questions 10-17

This guide is designed to assist students with their tertiary resources assignment in the EBM I course.


  • After you use 10 different resources, feel free to reuse resources for the rest of the assignment. 

Question 10

Answer this question using professional drug monographs. Use one of the monographs available in the following resources. You may not use monographs for patients. You may seek permission to use a professional monograph from a resource that is not in this list. Please contact H. McEwen for permission.

Question 10:

  • UpToDate Lexidrug: With a keyword search, your will be referred to the toxicology database. Within the toxicology database, monographs are either for an individual drug or a pharmacological category. You want either symptoms or treatments.
  • Merative MicroMedex: Do a keyword search. See toxicology in the left-side navigation menu. Information provided may be specific for one drug or entire drug class.
  • AccessPharmacy - Has e-books on the topic of toxicology.

Question 11

Use the VisualDx Quick Start Differential Builder. Enter these symptoms and provide two potential differential diagnoses

Questions 12-13

Answer these questions using professional drug monographs. Use one of the monographs available in the following resources. You may not use monographs for patients. You may seek permission to use a professional monograph from a resource that is not in this list. Please contact H. McEwen for permission.

Question 12: If a patient is taking a medication, it can sometimes mess up the results of laboratory tests that a patient is given.

  • UpToDate Lexidrug: Do a keyword search. Choose the Lexi-Drugs monograph. See test interactions in the interactions section of the monograph.
  • Merative MicroMexex: Use the Drug Interactions tool. It can be found on the top navigation bar within MicroMedex.

Question 13: Any of the professional monographs listed below can be used. See the interactions section of the drug monograph.

Question 14

To answer this question, you will need to utilize the Comparative Effectiveness database within the Natural Medicine database. Click on databases at the top of the home page. Choose the Comparative Effectiveness database. Do not use the regular herbal monograph. The database is organized by the disease/condition. 

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

Use a patient resource. Resources designed for health care professionals should be avoided.