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FOM Tertiary Resources Assignment Guide: Submission Checklist

This guide is designed to assist students with their tertiary resources assignment in the EBM I course.

Assignment Due Date

Submission Checklist

  • 24 questions were answered.
  • Complete citations were added to the assignment
  • At least 10 different resources were used for the assignment
  • Add your last name to the file name of the document
  • Assignment was uploaded to your FOM CANVAS assignment tool.
  • Assignments can be turned in prior to the due date.
  • Assignments will be graded as they are turned in. Many students turn in their assignment on the due date. Your graded assignment will be returned as soon as it is graded. It may take time for your assignment to be graded.
  • There will be a 3 point deduction for late submissions.
  • Graded assignments will be placed in your Assignment Tool.
  • If you are using a MAC, please submit your assignment as either a Word document or pdf. 
  • Please refer any assignment questions to Professor McEwen.