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M3 Practice Based Learning and Improvement Presentation Guide: Steps 6 & 7

This guide is a resource for M3 students and faculty for the Practice Based Learning and Improvement (PBLI) presentation assignment.

Step 6: Formulate and Provide Response

  • Prior to providing response, think about how information may be used- reference the background information!
  • Inform the requestor of accurate and unbiased clinical literature
  • If you are responding to a patient:
    • Provide patient with results from search
    • Educate patient on lifestyle modifications
    • Provide educational materials/articles to requestor

Remember from EBM I

If prescribing a new medication to a patient, remember STEPS.

S    Safety
         T     Tolerability
     E     Effective
P     Price
       S     Simplicity


University of Georgia YouTube site. Athens (GA): Slawson David C; 2010 May 28. [Video], Teaching evidence based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead? [reviewed 2013 Aug 3; cited 2013 Aug 20]; [55 min., 41 sec.]. Available from:

Preskorn SH. Advances in antidepressant therapy: the pharmacologic basis. San Antonio: Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation, 1994

Step 7: Conduct Follow-up and Documentation

  • This step is completed AFTER the verbal communication response is given to requestor
  • Follow-up is perceived as good clinical practice and enhances professional relations
  • Opportunity to readdress original request when newer literature/outcomes develop


  • We all have a responsibility to provide responses to clinical questions from patients and health care providers
  • Before providing a response, be sure to utilize the 7-step approach to assure completeness with the response
  • Responses are often given in a verbal, fast-paced setting, however, sometimes a written response is needed.  Be aware of your setting.

Applying the Evidence to Your Patient: Examples of Things to Consider

  • Drugs: Consider drug cost, insurance coverage, serious adverse reactions, serious drug interactions, contraindications, ease of administration, etc.
  • Treatments: Efficacy of treatment, treatment cost, insurance coverage, possible complications, etc.
  • Geography of where patient lives. For example, some treatments may not be easily available/assessable to patient living in a rural community.
  • Transportation
  • Diversity, culture, and spirital beliefs of the patient

Reference Slide

Include the citation of your article or guideline on your reference slide. Other resources utilized in the presentation should also be cited,