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M3 Practice Based Learning and Improvement Presentation Guide: Step 5: POEM Versus DOE

This guide is a resource for M3 students and faculty for the Practice Based Learning and Improvement (PBLI) presentation assignment.


Is the article or guideline a DOE or a POEM?

POEM (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters)

  • Quality of Life
  • Mortality
  • Pain
  • Mobility
  • Recovery Time
  • Length of hospital stay
  • Cost
  • Pain scale

DOE (Disease Oriented Evidence)

  • Cardiac biomarkers
  • Blood pressure reading
  • LDL, HDL
  • Blood sugar
  • Bone density
  • BMI
  • Other laboratory Tests

Slawson DC, Shaughnessy AF, Ebell MH, Barry HC. Mastering medical information and the role of POEMs--Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters. J Fam Pract. 1997;45(3):195-6.

Other Things to Consider

  • Remember to also consult a professional drug monograph or herbal monograph.  Consider cost, warnings, contraindications, adverse reactions, and drug interactions. For natural products, consider purity and standardization.
  • Remember to consider costs, insurance coverage, and accessibility.
  • If using a research article, does it match the clinical guidelines?