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New This Year
- This year the students are in two different rather than one course. Medicine students are in the Patient, Physician, and Community II course and Pharmacy students are in the Interprofessional Education II course. You will sent a link to the Qualtrex survey. Please contact Heather McEwen if you have any questions.
- There is no written submission.
- Slides are optional.
Assignment Dates for Small Group Leaders
- Two clinical cases are due - December TBD, 2024
- Clinical Question Presentations session - January 23rd from 1-3 pm
- Grades rubrics due - February TBD
Who to Contact
- Questions about the assignment - Dr. Lehmier or Professor McEwen
- Questions about honoraria paperwork, Qualtrics, contact information, etc. - Katherine Drumm (COP) or Beth Leonard (COM)
Grading Information for Small Group Leaders
- The assignment is worth 44 points.
- Small group leaders have two or three groups.
- Group grades are given.
- Faculty must turn in grades by January 26th.
- The official grader completes rubric can via Qualtrics twice per group since pharmacy and medicine students are in two different courses. If you type your comments into a Word document, you can copy and paste them into the two rubrics.
- Groups must receive a 70% or greater (28 pts = 70%) to pass the assignment.
- Assignment retake: Students in the group will give the same presentation to either Dr. Lehmier or Prof. McEwen.
- Students will be emailed after the session to complete a peer assessment of their fellow small group members. Please refer students to Dr. Lehmier or Prof. McEwen if they have questions about the evaluation.
Day of the Session
- We will use Zoom for the session. Please let Katherine Drumm or Beth Leonard know about any technology issues that happen during the session.
- Inform the Heather McEwen after the session about any absences, professionalism issues, etc.
- Prior to the day of the presentation, each small group leader will be emailed a copy of the rubric If you want, you can print off a copy to use during the session and complete the official Qualtrics rubric at your convenience. The non-official Qulatrics grader will be asked to provide handwritten formative feedback on a copy of the rubric and return it to Heather McEwen after the session. This will be emailed to the students as additional feedback.