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Fair Use

Here you will learn about Fair Use and how this applies to Copyrighted material. As an educational institution, Neomed will use Fair Use often.

NEOMED Copyright Statements

Statement on Copyright Use

It is the policy of the Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) that its students, faculty, and staff will abide by federal copyright law and will refrain from using copyright-protected materials in university-related activities unless such use is deemed permissible under the relevant exemptions outlined in the fair use provision of the Copyright Act or the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act, or unless prior appropriate permission or licensing has been obtained.

The legal use of copyrighted materials for instruction purposes requires institutional responsibility and oversight.  The following information is provided for direction and guidance on the use of copyright-protected materials in an instructional setting.

Liability Statement

All users of copyrighted materials and reproductions, including students, faculty, and staff, are ultimately responsible for satisfying the requirements of copyright law and licensing agreements.  These responsibilities include all issues that may arise in the copying and  the use of text, images, and digital media. Users are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions pertaining to the use of such materials.