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EBM I Assignment Guide for Anhui University Students (Archived): Tertiary Resources Assignment

This guide has assignment information for Anhui University students.


  • Assignment is due on September 25, 2018 at 5 pm. Email Professor McEwen your completed assignment.
  • We will discuss the assignment on Thursday, September 20th from 10-11 am in the Regula Training room.
    • We will practice using the library databases that you need to use for the assignment.

Definitions for Drug Monograph Components/ Other Advice

Definitions of Rubric Components:

  • When searching, the medication may be available as systemic, ophthalmic, topical etc. Choose the systemic version unless the question states otherwise. 
  • See the Population Health Medical Tertiary Resources lecture slides. It includes screenshots on how to use the different resources.
  • Where to find the updated date for a drug monographs citation?
    • Lexi-Comp and MicroMedex - The data is at the end of the monograph after the reference section. 
    • AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy - The information is not provided so you can leave it out of the citation.
    • ClinicalKey - The information is not provided so you can leave it out of the citation.
    • UpToDate - The information is not provided so you can leave it out of the citation.
    • DailyMed - The date is at the top of the monograph to the right of the words drug label information

Questions 1 - 4

Answer questions 1 - 4 using one of these resources.

Question 5

Questions 6 - 8

Question 9

See the Lexi-Drugs monograph within UpToDateLexidrug or UpToDate  to answer both parts of the question. Please note: a drug may have a generic name but not be available as a generic drug.

Questions 10 - 13

Question 14

To answer this question, you will need to utilize the Comparative Effectiveness database within the Natural Medicine database. Click on databases at the top of the home page. Choose the Comparative Effectiveness database. Do not use the regular herbal monograph. The database is organized by the disease/condition. 

Question 15